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============SUBJECT INFO============

Name: XXXXXX, Libitina
Alias: N/A
DOB: 01/05/2001
Sex: F
Age: 19
Species: Altered Human
Sexuality: Pansexual
Morality: Chaotic Evil
Occupation: N/A
Significance Level (001-100) 100


HR: 160
Reaction time (ms): 1
Strength: N/A
Local distortion: 434
Distortion decay: 29
Positivity (01-10): 01
Sensitivity (01-10): 09
Control (01-10): 01

Psychical notes (Third Eye):

Libitina's Third Eye offers perception beyond natural sight. There are several abilities that only Libitina has access to, out of all patients in Wing A.

These include:
Dowsing: Ability to locate people and objects.Astral Trapping: Trap wandering souls in objects.Dream Walking: Accessing other's dreams.Phasing: Ability to transfer through tangible objects.Access to repressed memories.Libitina's training has made her much stronger than the average human, and she's studied plenty of techniques of fighting.Libitina has the ability to contort her psychical body into unnatural shapes.Offerings towards her from any reality may manifest themselves towards her presence.Libitina's experiments have reduced her sense of pain greatly.Her blood can be used for healing wounds, both spiritual and psychical.Her lungs and heart are capable of illuminating themselves brightly enough to be seen through the skin, acting as a nightlight. Her eyes also seem to have this ability.

However, withdraws include:
Dowsing requires complete focus.A soul must be out of a body to be trapped; only one soul can be trapped at a time.If Libitina is stopped mid-phasing, she will go through extreme pain. Canceling tests midway for this ability is not recommended.If she is in the dream when the victim wakes up, it will cause her physical pain and reduced motor functions (temporarily). Canceling tests midway for this ability is not recommended.Her blood can only do so much; it's impossible for her to regenerate someone's limbs, but large scars are easily fixed.Fighting can only do so much for her; she struggles with defending herself.


Via cameras, we've observed that Libitina overthinks during her cell time. She will not engage in any activities anymore. She's quiet. She refuses to inform us of her thoughts, so they've been dismissed accordingly. Routine checkups are always a nightmare for the staff. When given the health questionnaire, she details her experiences in a mocking manner. This will need to be corrected.
While her occasional socialization is good, she's not socially developed enough to hold a proper conversation. What we'd like to focus on, however, are her hysteric episodes. Those must be prevented at all costs. These tend to result in escape attempts, and she almost always manages to succeed. We cannot control her.

Behavioral notes:
The following occasional behaviors have been noted and should be ignored in future examinations:
Twitching; vocal tics; biting; epiphora; vomiting; screaming; harm to examiner; misplaced laughter

Libitina's relatively newfound dedication to the project is highly encouraged and will be extremely valuable for following projects. Her ability to adapt is appreciated, but her social skills must be corrected.
Libitina's conditioning has been proved successful. Unless otherwise suppressed, Libitina will eliminate anything that poses a threat to the Project. Whether or not she wants to is irrelevant.
Libitina's attachment to XXXXXX resulted in his termination. Discouraging a mutual attachment will be considered a priority regarding our staff's well-being. However, Libitina's attachment regarding other staff can be utilized during testing.

=============UPDATE LOG=============

December 5th, 2003
As of December 5th, 2003, all personnel are forbidden from editing this field.
All previous subject notes have been erased permanently.
Addendum: Introducing bias during testing as a result of personal attachment to the subject will henceforth be punished by death.
January 2nd, 2004
The loss of XXXXXX is causing Libitina's health to deteriorate, rendering all test results useless. Dr. Schneider has requested a two-week recovery for Libitina, and after careful consideration, his request has been approved.
January 4th, 2004
Dr. Schneider requested to take Libitina on a walk, provided she stay in the wheelchair. His request was denied.
January 5th, 2004
Dr. Schneider sent in the same request, which was approved this time. He took Libitina on a walk outside the hospital grounds, without the wheelchair. Their time was 16.2 minutes long, albeit the approved time was 15.
January 16th, 2004
Libitina has recovered enough to proceed with testing. Dr. Reiner is not happy with this setback, but given Libitina's state, it was the only option.
March 4th, 2004
Substantial progress has been made and all the necessary data has been collected. It seems Dr. Schneider's recent time with Libitina has been improving her mood during tests.
October 15th, 2004
Patient Libitina has been moved to Wing B after contamination in cell 104. The patient will not be recovering from this incident and may be terminated. See patient Cybele for more information.
February 24th, 2005
Progress on MARKOV and MONIKA has begun. Libitina has become friends with patient Nemesis. Incorporating Nemesis's tests to Libitina's will provide interesting results.
Feburary 25th, 2005
Patient Nemesis has been terminated by Libitina.
May 8th, 2005
Libitina has attempted an escape. 2 staff members injured. 1 dead. Dr. Schneider stopped the attempt.
May 16th, 2005
Libitina will be restrained with a wheelchair whenever escorted out of her cell from this point on.
November 1st, 2005
MONIKA's AI has begun developing independently. We hope to begin Project VM1 within the next few years.
November 25th, 2005
MARKOV has begun development in the Mythology department. With the help of Libitina's accessibility to her Third Eye, we hope to send her into dormancy for VM1.
December 9th, 2005
Dr. Schneider has requested another interval in Libitina's experimentation. His request has been denied. Repeating intervals when unnecessary will delay Project Libitina's success.

=============UPDATE LOG=============

August 2nd, 2009
Libitina will be sent into VM1, along with patients Apollo and Venus. They will be codenamed Yuri, Sayori, and Natsuki. Our AI will oversee this project, for the time being, codenamed MONIKA.
August 4th, 2009
Libitina refuses to leave her project. Dr. Schneider will be terminated as a result of recent events.
August 15th, 2009
Libitina has gone into dormancy. She will be sent into VM1 after patient Apollo. Dr. Reiner will be overseeing the operation.

==========CONNECTED THEMES==========

Candy Heartz (feat. Jason Hayes) (Version 2) - Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! OST

Dusk - Doki Doki Literature Club!+ OST

MEAT - Poppy

Stranded Lullaby demo - Miracle Musical

==========EXPERIMENT LOG==========

JUNE 16th, 2006.
Silence. That was all she ever got in these tests. The only thing that broke that silence was her own screams. Isolation. Was she really isolated? Trapped in a white cell, the walls, floors, and ceiling are all alike. She could hardly tell what was up or down. It felt like swimming. At least, what she imagined swimming to be. It must've felt like floating. Libitina imagined herself swimming. Floating. Sinking.
Sinking. Sinking. Sinking. She couldn't stop sinking. Why couldn't she stop? She couldn't swim. Why couldn't she? Was her own imagination incapable of giving her peace? ...Peace? She had never experienced that before. Only in fragments at night, when she was close to falling asleep. Then the nightmares came. Oh, the nightmares. Libitina didn't know they were just dreams. The doctors had been lying to her. She thought they were real. She thought that creature was real. Perhaps it was, but only in her mind. Perhaps she was that creature. But then why did it horrify her? Why was she so horrified at what she'd become? It wasn't her fault. No one could blame her for this. She had no choice in this matter, did she?Sinking. Sinking. Screaming. Screaming. Screaming. SCREAMING. SCREAMING. SCREAMING.It felt like she couldn't breathe, like she was drowning. They were suffocating her, weren't they? But she couldn't see. Had they blinded her? How? But she couldn't think about that right now. All she could think about was survival. All she could think about was killing what was killing her.

Libitina still has yet to recover from the termination of XXXXXX. All previous notes have been erased due to the termination of XXXXXX. The experiments regarding Libitina's soul have succeeded beyond our expectations. We will have to confine the goddess within Libitina for our own sake. Once VM1 is finished, we will set her free.
For now, she is under obligation to follow MES code.
Any attempt to catch footage of her should be promptly terminated, with the exception of our security cameras. Any attempt at connecting with the subject should be avoided. Libitina is to be in solitary confinement for the remainder of this Project. Completely isolated. Employees are under no obligation to talk to her or to answer any of her questions.
Lie to her. Play into her fear. Make her as vulnerable as possible. Enhanced fear equals better results. We want these experiments to be as accurate as we can. However, do not blame Metaverse Enterprise for these issues. We want her to trust our company. Her cooperation is necessary.

Contamination in cell 104 has resulted in a massive outbreak in Wing A. We are treating this as mass hysteria and will deal with it accordingly. Cybele, as patient zero, will be terminated as punishment.
Subject Venus has been undergoing psychical testing. Unfortunately, these tests have proved unethical, even to our standards. Venus has become extremely weak. We will have to postpone further experimentation.
Subject Apollo has been undergoing emotional testing. This has resulted in clinical depression that will need to be treated in the future. For now, we encourage researchers to proceed with testing.